What inspired you to facilitate, was it a personal journey, a career transition, or another motivating factor?
I undertook ILMs Training for Trainers through my last employed position as we were being called upon to deliver more and more of the programmes ourselves rather than bring in facilitators and consultants. in 2018 I had a breakdown which became my breakthrough due to burn out – too much negative stress for too long. When I attended the Stress Control NIs programme and realised I wasn’t broken I was having a biological reaction to stressors I believed everybody should know this information and so I started training in different modalities to enable me to help other people.
What drives you to support local people through the support you are providing?
I love to help people. I loath seeing people hurting and in pain when there are ways to help. Even if the help I give is not the full help that they need I can sometimes hold them in a safe space, helping them with coping mechanisms until they get to see psychologists or psychiatrists or the mental health team. At times the help I have given them has meant they have not needed to see other professionals.
Although I provide a lot of programmes online, I love working in-person with people locally as I can really feel the energy in the room. I love it when the energy shifts because someone has had their aha moment or they finally realise they are worthy, are deserving, and are enough.
What impact do you hope to make in participants’ lives, and why is now the right time for this work?
I want people to know they are worthy, they are deserving, and they are enough. I want them to know they are not broken they are having a biological reaction to a stressor, and they can affect their biology by understanding what is going on in their bodies and in the emotional part of the brain.
Why did you choose to partner with FME at HeartSpace instead of another venue?
FME have created a very welcoming space that people feel comfortable in and welcomed. FME don’t charge room hire which enables me to keep my costs down and reach those that don’t necessarily have the money to attend other professionals that have overheads. My clients could be coming to the Heartspace for anything from volunteering with FME or craft classes and, therefore, there is no stigma attached to the Heartspace. The space is flexible for each of these sessions.
What have been the personal or professional gains from being involved as a community partner?
I have been able to provide group work and 1:1 work with the EMBRACES programme as well as a women’s healing circle. This has enabled me to explore new areas of work bring different people into my circle whilst keeping the price affordable.
Would you recommend others to get involved, and if so, why?
Yes, I would recommend others get involved with FME. The team are support and flexible. They have a lot of equipment that you might need – chairs, tables, yoga mats, bean bags, blankets and cushions. There is parking right outside the door. You get use of the kitchen and toileting facilities without having to leave the premises. Above all this though it is the support of the FME team and the warm welcome that awaits you in the Heartspace.
Click here to learn more about Valerie!